
Review: Stardust

October 14, 2007

♫ Celtic Frost – Drown in Ashes

Stardust is Matthew Vaughn’s new movie, based on Neil Gaiman’s book. The movie is beautiful! It’s a fantasy movie, almost like a fairy tale. The movie doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not, a “no BS” movie. You know who the bad guys, you know who the good guys are; but it doesn’t matter. What matters is how the story is told. The whole cast does a good good, but Robert De Niro steals the spotlight. And new comer Charlie Cox is very charming.

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1 Comment

  • Reply No soup for you October 15, 2007 at 00:49

    Pois é, Tessinha, agora eu dirijo 🙂 Nossa, seu blog tá lindo! E eu sou tãaaao tosca que não tô conseguindo nem colocar os links no canto do meu site, hehehehe. Quanto ao filme, tô doida pra ver! Meu namo é fanzaço do Neil Gaiman e eu acabei lendo algumas coisas dele por influência. Bjos, queridaaaa!

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