Lists Music

7 Songs to Sing at Karaoke

September 5, 2014

Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation karaoke scene

Which song would you like to sing at a karaoke? I’m mostly dissapointed at karaoke bars because I think they almost never have good songs to chose from. In my ideal world, a karaoke bar would have many nice songs to chose from and I would pick these:

Zombie – The Cranberries

I absolutely adore this songs and it fits well with my voice. With this song I always win at SingStar, hence it’s my number once choice.

ironic – Alanis Morissette

I was a huge Alanis Morissette fan and to this day this is one of my favorite songs. Her lyrics and way of singing allow you to get rid of a lot of frustrations, and that’s always a good thing.

Don’t Speak – No Doubt

A true 90’s hit and which girl sung this after having her heart broken?

I Think I’m Paranoid – Garbage

I had to sing this one once with my back-up Garage Band and it was awesome. It was harder than I thought but what was I expecting? It’s Shirley Manson!

One of Us – Joan Osborne

I actually owned this CD and One of Us is the only song on it that I can remember. Is it just me or did women in the 90’s write awesome karaoke songs?

Mamma Mia – Abba

Another instant hit from Sing Star. This is just super fun.

Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’

I have an agreement with a friend: as soon as he comes back from Australia we will sing this at some karaoke bar. Preferably the original version or the Rock of Ages musical version.

Which karaoke songs would you chose?

The subject of this post was suggested by Rotaroots, a Brazilian group of bloggers that long for the good old days when blogging was personal.

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  • Reply Stephanie Salateo September 5, 2014 at 16:46

    Hahaha, são todas ótimas pra cantar no chuveiro, no meu caso. Não consigo nem escolher qual eu gosto mais!

    • Reply Tessa September 5, 2014 at 23:15

      A lista pra cantar no chuveiro é mais longa mas estou proibida de cantar senão acordo a pequena. 😉

  • Reply Letícia September 6, 2014 at 14:10

    one of us haahah perfeita!

  • Reply Gabriela September 8, 2014 at 13:37

    Adorei playlist, haha!

  • Reply Paula A. September 9, 2014 at 00:29

    Faltou só uma pra mim, que sempre tem no karaoke: Bohemian Rhapsody! hahahah

    • Reply Tessa September 9, 2014 at 22:09

      minha all time favorite song!!!
      mas acho super difícil de cantar e nunca achei um karaoke que tivesse.

  • Reply Goodbye September - MAMsterdam | MAMsterdam October 12, 2014 at 22:59

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