
Lara’s Corn Starch Experiment

September 8, 2014

Lara's Corn Starch Experiment

You have probably seen some video on YouTube or Facebook of a toddler making an incredible mess with baby powder, cereals or sudocrem. And I know for sure that if you’ve seen one of these videos you laughed; I know I did. Well… Lara decided yesterday to make snow out of corn starch. Guess who wasn’t laughing so loud this time?

Lara didn’t want to nap yesterday but she stayed in her bed with a book and things got quiet. I imagined that she was just chilling and resting. After a while I started hearing things over the baby monitor and decided to go check. When I entered the room I was greeted by a powder covered toddler with a big smile on her face. “Look mami, snow!”. Yay. No Lara, it’s beginning of September no snow yet. And my little wildling put the corn starch back in it’s place, so that I wouldn’t notice a thing. Now that I am actually writing this all down I am laughing a bit.

P.S. We use corn starch as baby powder, that’s why it’s in her room.

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  • Reply Paula A. September 9, 2014 at 00:28

    I haven’t even met her yet but I love Lara already! Little wildling <3

    • Reply Tessa September 9, 2014 at 22:04

      You will meet her, soon. I promise! 😉

  • Reply Stephanie Salateo September 9, 2014 at 05:25

    I’m always in doubt if I comment in portuguese or in english, but okay.
    My daughter the other day took the milk powder. I screamed like a crazy, but then laughs a lot. It’s cute!

    • Reply Tessa September 9, 2014 at 22:06

      In English or Portuguese! You can pick which one you prefer. 🙂
      Tem um plugin que faz o “merge” dos comentários dos post nas 2 línguas.

      Na hora precisei respirar fundo mas olhando essa foto não tem como não rir. Pena que não filmei.

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