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Lena Dunham

People Photography

Lena Dunham by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue

January 18, 2014

Lena Dunham and Adam Driver by Annie Leibovitz

Lena is awesome

Everyone knows (or should know) Lena Dunham and her fantastic work. She’s a talented writer, actress and director. In case you’ve missed it, please do yourself a favor and watch HBO’s Girls. Lena has often been the target of ignorant people and internet trolls. It’s awesome she’s on the cover of Vogue, a spot not often filled by extremely talented girls as Dunham. I’m sure Vogue is not changing their whole strategy but I’d like to see more Lenas out there.

Through the Lens of Leibovitz

The photographer behind these images is Annie Leibovitz, one of my favorite photographers, as I have mentioned before. The images are stunning and Lena can be seen through out New York, which makes the series even more appealing to me.

Want to see the rest of the Photos?

You can see the rest of series on my Pinterest or on