
Jessica Chastain como Merida

January 11, 2014

Jessica Chastain as Princess Merida in Latest Disney Dream Portrait by Annie Leibovitz for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts

Jessica Chaistain é, na minha opinião, uma das atrizes mais talentosas e bonitas. Annie Leibovitz tem minha admiração por muitis anos. A colaboração entre as duas já gerou images fantásticas. Annie retorna a série fotográfica Disney Dream Portraits e escalou a bela ruiva como Merida do filme Brave e o resultado, como você pode ver, ficou fantástico. A imagem será usada numa nova campanha publicitária chamada Where Your Destiny Awaits.


Jessica Chastain as Merida from “Brave” by Annie Leibovitz

January 11, 2014

Jessica Chastain as Princess Merida in Latest Disney Dream Portrait by Annie Leibovitz for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts

Jessica Chastain is, in my opinion, one of the most talented and beautiful actresses out there. Annie Leibovitz has been a long time admired photographer. The collaboration between the two has already led to some amazing images. Annie returns to her Disney Dream Portrait series casting the beautiful redhead as Merida from Brave and the result is amazing, as you can see. The image will be used in a new ad campaign named Where your destiny awaits.


I try not to judge

July 6, 2013

As a mother, especially a first-time mom, you feel judged. Constantly. Sometimes people are really judging you, other times it’s just in your head. Being a mom is a tough job without judging, so I try not to. I really do but there are somethings that I simply cannot accept. Yelling, physical violence, none of that is acceptable and I will judge you for it. Giving your baby (or even your toddler) Coca-Cola is also not acceptable. Everyone knows how bad it is. It’s bad enough for us adults, so why give it to a small kid? Something else that I have a hard time accepting is beauty pageants. I always feel like mom (or dad) are very frustrated and put all their hopes on their child winning. This poster makes me cringe!


Satellite Mind

June 22, 2013

Hold it I’m about to drop off
Let me tell you my last thought

And so Emily Haines sings… but yes, let me tell you my last thought: I decided to compile all the stuff I wrote on my blogs for the last 11 years. Yes, I’m old and that’s how long I’ve been around. I’ve had several blogs (one quite successful, people recognized me on the street!) and thought it would be a good idea to throw it all together in one place. I’m still collecting everything and editing (I used to write in portuguese, so I’m translating) but you can already read some of my old stuff.

When I’m bored
I send vibrations
In your direction
From the satellite mind

And I want to update this on a regular basis, so I’m not going to send vibrations in your direction but I’ll send blog posts. So if I don’t update this, please demand it from me.


Thank you grandmothers (and grandfathers)!

June 3, 2012

What would be of fresh new parents without grandmothers? I’m sure that there are plenty of moms that do just fine without grandmothers but I am extremely happy that Lara’s grannies are around. Today I managed to catch up on my sleep, Belgian grandma was visiting. Brazilian grandma moved to the Netherlands specially for Lara. When Tom and I both were ill, she rushed over and made sure Lara didn’t get ill as well. And it’s always useful ask them how they handled situations when we were little. So a big thank you to grandmothers (and grandfathers as well).


My Best Friend: Elmo

June 1, 2012

During my pregnancy, I often wondered about how I would raise my daughter. One important theme in these thoughts was media, and specially TV. No, my daughter will not watch TV, she will read books. And then your baby starts crying… and crying… yelling… What do you do? Well, we sat down in front of my laptop and started watching videos of Elmo on YouTube. It’s a kind of magic! Lara immeadiately started smiling and laughing. A good aspect of YouTube is that I can control what she watches and when. I’m still amazed by the effect a single video can have on a baby. But you won’t hear me complain. Elmo, we love you!


Nice to Meet You

May 30, 2012

It’s time. Since 2001 I have been busy with blogs, always in my mother tongue, Portuguese. This Januari I became a mom and, with it came along an urge to write again. And so the idea behind MAMsterdam was also born.

Who am I? Well, I’m Tessa, 30 years old, half Dutch half Brazilian, film studies dropout, BA in International Communication, concert photographer and Lara’s mother. My little bub was born on January 14th and she is the most adorable baby in the world (proud mom alert!). Lara is Belgian, Brazilian and Dutch, looks exactly like her dad, a happy baby (most of the time), crazy about music and Elmo.

Who are you? 🙂


Lists Music

30 Day Song Challenge

May 3, 2011
So, besides de 30 Day Movie Challenge, I also decided to simultaneously do the 30 Day Song Challenge on Facebook. Here is the result of my song challenge:

Day 01 – your favorite song
Florence + the Machine – Cosmic Love

Day 02 – your least favorite song
Katatonia – We Must Bury You
Ok, this list is gigantic, but I chose the one song I hate by a band that I love.

Day 03 – a song that makes you happy
Bat For Lashes – Daniel

Day 04 – a song that makes you sad
The Gathering – Like Fountains

Day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone
Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars
It’s our song – me & my future husband.

Day 06 – a song that reminds you of somewhere
Moonspell – Alma Mater

Day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event
Alanis Morissette – Mary Jane
1996, Metropolitan – Rio de Janeiro
Alanis’ 1st tour in Brazil. My sister and I were standing in front of the stage and we both felt as if she was singing this song for us.

Day 08 – a song that you know all the words to
The National – Slow Show

Day 09 – a song that you can dance to
New Order – Blue Monday

Day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep
Loreena McKennitt – The Mystic’s Dream
Doesn’t really makes me fall asleep but it wonderful to relax.

Day 11 – a song from your favorite band
Anathema – Fragile Dreams

Day 12 – a song from a band you hate
Jamiroquai – Space Cowboy
I cannot express how much I HATE Jamiroquai.

Day 13 – a song that is a guilty pleasure
Lady GaGa – Bad Romance
Yes, I’m guilty. I have to admit I really like this song.

Day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love
Chico Science & Nação Zumbi – Maracatu Atômico

Day 15 – a song that describes you
Depeche Mode – Walking in my Shoes

Day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate
Mika – Relax, Take it Easy
I love Mika and this song but I used this tune as my alarm. Everytime I hear it now I think it’s time to wake up and go to work.

Day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio
Caro Emerald – That Man

Day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio
Fleet Foxes – Mykonos

Day 19 – a song from your favorite album
The Cure – Pictures of You
Perfect song from a perfect album.

Day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry
System of a Down – Psycho

Day 21 – a song that you listen to when you’re happy
Marina & the Diamonds – Oh No!
Marina is lovely and makes pop music that doesn’t sound like crap. It makes me really happy.

Day 22 – a song that you listen to when you’re sad
Opeth – In My Time of Need

Day 23 – a song that you want to play at your wedding
Johnny Cash – Ring of Fire

Day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral
The Smiths – Asleep

Day 25 – a song that makes you laugh
Arrogant Worms – It’s Great to be a Nerd
Have you read the lyrics? It’s hilarious!

Day 26 – a song that you can play on an instrument
Lacuna Coil – 1:19
Since I can’t play any instruments, I chose a song I can sing and have actually performed live.

Day 27 – a song that you wish you could play
Verdi’s Piece from La Traviata – Sempre Libera
Since I can’t play an instrument I chose a song I wish I could sing instead.

Day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty
London After Midnight – Kiss

Day 29 – a song from your childhood
Neil Young – From Hank to Hendrix
I was in doubt between this or Cat Stevens, but ended up with Mr. Young

Day 30 – your favorite song at this time last year
Angus and Julia Stone – Hold On
Lists Movies

30 Day Movie Challenge

May 1, 2011

I started this 30 Day Movie Challenge on May 31st on Facebook, but decided to share it here too.

Day 1: Favorite film
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Day 2: Least favorite film
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The list is long… but I think this one beats all others.

Day 3: Favorite comedy
Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain
Not sure if this qualifies as a comedy…

Day 4: Favorite drama
The Hours

Day 5: Favorite action
The Matrix

Day 6: Favorite horror
Interview with the Vampire
I don’t like horror films so this one is difficult and I don’t even know if this qualifies as horror, but I like vampires so…

Day 7: Favorite animated feature
Waking Life

Day 8: Favorite thriller
Black Swan

Day 9: Favorite musical
Hedwig & the Angry Inch
Not just favorite musical, but one of my all time favorite.

Day 10: Favorite foreign film
Run Lola, Run
So, no Dutch or Brazilian movies for me, so let’s go with a German one… but it could easily have been Swedish, Spanish or Chinese.

Day 11: Favorite kid’s movie
The Neverending Story
I’ve probably seen this over 50 times…

Day 12: Favorite love story
Before Sunset (and Before Sunrise)
It’s a tie between with Joel & Clementine, but since I already chose that one as my favorite movie, here are Jesse & Celine.

Day 13: Favorite chick flick
P.S. I Love You

Day 14: Favorite documentary
Capturing the Friedmans

Day 15: Favorite play adaptation
♥ Clive Owen ♥ Natalie Portman ♥ ♥ ♥ this movie

Day 16: Favorite book adaptation
The Lord of the Rings – Return of the King
I know the die hard fans didn’t like it and a lot was left out, but I simply love the trilogy and especially the last part. I cry every single time. It’s pure magic.

Day 17: Least favorite book adaptation
Memoirs of a Geisha
Awful movie.

Day 18: Film that is your guilty pleasure
Empire Records

Day 19: Film that made you cry the hardest
Hilary & Jackie

Day 20: Movie with your favorite actress
Finding Neverland
the one and only, Kate Winslet.

Day 21: Movie with your favorite actor
Brokeback Mountain
Jake ♥

Day 22: Movie you wish you could live in
Lost in Translation

Day 23: Movie that inspires you
Les Invasions Barberes
This trailer sucks but this movie is incredibly beautiful.

Day 24: Movie with your favorite soundtrack
Vanilla Sky

Day 25: Movie with the most beautiful scenery

Day 26: Movie you’re most embarrassed to say you like
Love it. Seen it many, many times. Cried every single time. A ♥ redhead Kate.

Day 27: Movie with your favorite villain
City of God
Meu nome é Zé Pequeno, porra!!

Day 28: Movie with your favorite hero
Kill Bill
The bride.

Day 29: First movie you ever remember watching
The Wizard of Oz

Day 30: Last movie you watched
Sucker Punch

Lists Music

2009 Best CD’s

December 31, 2009
I’m not going to make a list of the best CD’s released in 2009, instead I’m making a list of the CD’s that made a difference in my 2009.So, here we go.

Bat For Lashes – Two Suns

It only took listening to Natasha Khan’s voice and I surrendered myself to her. Her voice, the melodies, lyrics… everything fits perfectly. She kicks ass live and I still chills everytime I listen to her songs. Bat For Lashes reminds me of Tori Amos, some of it. My favorite tunes: Moon & Moon, Daniel, Siren Song e The Big Sleep.

Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes

I grew up listening to Neil Young and Cat Stevens. Chatting to a friend about this he suggested I should listen to Fleet Foxes. The harmony of the voices was the first thing to get my attention and I ended up listening to their album 20 times in a row. I loved it so much I managed to get tickets to their already sold out concert and had the chance of admiring their talent live. Favorite songs: White Winter Hymnal, Your Protector, MeadowlarksHe Doesn’t Know Why.


Metric – Fantasies

I never really payed attention to Metric., I only listened to Emily Hanes’ solo work… until I saw them live. They are amazing and very energetic. The concert was sold out; everyone jumping, clapping and singing along (something that is rare here in the Netherlands). Beating like a hammer… beating like a hammer… got into my head and stuck there. Emily Haines was inspired by Buenos Aires and Fantasies is an awesome album. Favorite songs: Help, I’m Alive, Satellite Mind, Gimme Sympathy e Blindness.


Mew – No More Stories Are Told Today So

I like all their albums and I have to admit that, until know, this one is the weakest. But even so, it’s a great album by an excellent band. The guys are even better live and their gig was the best of the year. A fantastic sound and magical videos made their performance unforgettable. My favorite tunes: Hawaii, Silas the Magic Car e Reprise.

Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson – Break Up

It’s just a delicious album. Everyone loves bashing Scarlett but I think she’s awesome and her work on this album is good. Besides, with Pete Yorn it couldn’t really go wrong. Favorite tunes: Relator, Blackie’s Dead, I Am The Cosmos Shampoo.


Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever Ago

I was a bit reluctant to listen to Bon Iver. It wasn’t love at first sight but… after a while I got used to his high-pitched voice and I gave in. His concert was what I missed in 2009. Favoite songs: Blindsided, For Emma, Re:Stacks e Creature Fear.

Anneke van Giersbergen & Danny Cavanagh – In Parallel

This CD is a record of a magical night in which two artists I admired got on stage together. And, like I’ve mentioned before, 5 of the 6 pictures on the artwork were taken by me. Favorite songs:Teardrop (Massive Attack Cover), Jolene (Dolly Parton cover), Songbird e Big Love (ambas covers do Fleetwood Mac). And, of course, One Last Goodbye, sung by Danny.

Florence + the Machine – Lungs

I had already listened to it but without paying to much attention, but since my friend Kinho listed it as his number 1, I decided to give it another shot. Well… it’s been playing on repeat for 3 days straight. I’m sad the tickets to her concert are already sold out. Her voice reminds me sometimes of Natalie Merchant and her sound is a bit similar to Bat For Lashes. I’m glad to see two extremely talented women enjoying success. Florence and Natasha are proof that the’re no need to be blonde and shaking one’s ass to be successful. Favorite songs: Cosmic Love, Drumming, Between Two Lungs e Girl With One Eye.


Corrupted by Depeche Mode has been on repeat since the True Blood video clip. Another song from the show has also stuck on my mind: Bad Things by Jace Everett. Mika was a hit with his pop music and even Lady GaGa gained my sympathy with Bad Romance (I still dislike her fans). Michael Jackson is gone but he left us songs like Smooth Criminal, Beat It  e Thriller. Agua de Annique released a weak CD but Adore, Wonder and Home Again make up for it. And Fleet Foxes’ Mykonos was the song I heard most in 2009.